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"People, Bonds and Charm of Hong Kong" is on sale now!


香港,從一個藉藉無名小漁村,努力耕耘 ,不斷突破自己,蛻變成為矚目耀眼的國際大都會。就如蝴蝶一樣,由不起眼的毛毛蟲,自強不息,生生不倦,最終蛻變成斑麗的彩蝶,翩翩飛舞,讓人眼前一亮。


《香港人情魅》以香港人、情、魅為主題。輯錄近百幅於”第一屆Joy in Art水彩畫家聯展”中展出的水彩畫作品,當中包括: 符聞一、黃華兆、金莉、黎思思、廖小平、林超展、柳毅、游榮光、沈平等34位中,港,台,加拿大藝術家作品,其餘亦包括多位香港活躍城市速寫畫家及水彩愛好者作品。 大家運用水彩繪畫出一幅一幅令人看得津津樂道的畫作,讓大家發掘香港的可愛之處,從而感受到這裡的人情和魅力。細味每幅作品,你不難找到的是描繪鄰里間的人情、或是懷抱理想的奮鬥、或是熙攘市井間的互動,這都為我們的香港增添不少色彩與魅力。

而眾多繪畫物料中,水彩一直是香港最受歡迎的畫畫媒介之一。香港是環海的福地,透過畫家們豐富的想像力,揮灑在水與彩之間更顯內涵。色彩可以極有個性,也可以是多樣而璀璨,它既能描繪出輕快明澈的都市節奏,亦能展現溫婉幽雅的情景,有著讓你讚嘆的共融性!色彩與色彩之間的融合運用,豐富迷人,恰似香港人海納百川,長袖善舞的特質。香港中西文化互融, 讓這裡的文化多姿多彩,就像Joy in Art 的蝴蝶標誌一樣,各色各樣,翩翩起舞。



"People, Bonds and Charm of Hong Kong"


The resilient people of Hong Kong have transformed their small fishing village into a dazzling international metropolis through hard work and perseverance. Like a butterfly that transforms from an inconspicuous caterpillar to a beautiful and vibrant butterfly, Hong Kong has undergone a remarkable transformation.


People, Bonds and Charm of Hong Kong showcase a series of watercolour artworks exhibited in "Joy in Art Watercolour Open Exhibition 2023", including 34 watercolour artists from China, Hong Kong, Tai Wan and Canada: Fu Man Yat, Huang Hua Zhao, Jin Li, Ze Ze Lai, Frank Liao, Lim Chiu Chin, Liu Yi, Stephen Yau, Shen Ping, etc. It also, include the works of many active urban sketch painters and watercolor lovers in Hong Kong, which portray the warmth between neighbours, the struggle for ideals, and the intersection in urban life. Each painting adds taste and flavours to Hong Kong, reflecting the city's diversity and integration of cultures.


Watercolor is one of the most popular painting media in Hong Kong that can reflect the city's creativity and imagination. We invite everyone to enjoy the beauty of Hong Kong through art. Let the paintings will inspire warmth and positive energy in the community. Let the warmth and positive energy fill your hearts and inspire you to move forward with strength and resilience, just like the people of Hong Kong.

《香港人情魅》People, Bonds and Charm of Hong Kong


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