- 黃約翰 (翰癡)
黃約翰,別名翰癡,1951年生於香港。15歲起跟隨吳宏光老師學習西畫。1985年起,先後師從何才安,熊海,黃靈雨,徐子雄,黃孝逵,陳成球,馮永基等畫壇前輩 學習中國水墨。書法師從陳文傑老師。曾修讀香港大學山水文憑課程及香港中文大學新水墨課程。現任新墨思潮創會會長,粵港澳大灣區水墨概念畫會主席,觀尚畫會候任會長,缘畫會幹事,香港現代水墨畫會委員,香港美協會員。
黃約翰青年時期在英國皇家海軍艦上工作的特殊經歷令他與大海結下不解之緣。對海洋赤誠的熱愛成為了他源源不竭的靈感之泉,並藉由「新水墨」,即以傳統水墨媒介實驗新的表現手法,並吸收西方現代藝術觀念的呈現,找到了暢意的出路。其作品用筆沉雄,氣韻生動。近兩年更以自創的「裂變追光」技法,受到藝術界及藏家的廣泛認可,被美術館及眾多海內外私人藏家收藏。作品曾入選倫敦藝術雙年展,全球500水墨大展,及北京國際美術雙年展,亦曾在香港中央圖書館,賽馬會創意藝術中心,及多間私人畫廊展出。已出版作品集「與海有緣」。除了藝術上的不斷創新突破,黃先生亦極為注重關於新水墨的文化交流及傳承,創立了HK Studio of Contemporary Art,意在協助帶動新水墨前往國際視覺藝術的更大舞臺。
在Joy in Art門市購買畫冊,更可免費獲贈John Wong - The Vast Ink Maniac cotton bag一個。
“The application of special techniques should not be regarded as the ultimate goal in art making. Technique is just a medium to help express an idea, a mood, to add character and a unique style to your art.”
- John Wong
John Wong, who‘’d like to refer to himself as a big “ Ink Maniac” , was born in Hong Kong in 1951. From 15 years old he learned western painting from Ng Wang Kong. Since 1985, John started to learn Chinese ink art from the experienced artists including Ho Choi On, Hung Hoi, Wong Ling Yu, Chui Tsz Hung, Wong Hau Kwai, Chan Shing Kau, and Raymond Fung Wing Kee. He learned calligraphy from Chan Man Kit. John graduated from the Diploma Programme in Chinese Ink Painting from SPACE in 2003 and participated in the Modern Ink Painting Programme at Chinese University of Hong Kong. For promoting modern ink art he founded an ink art association, Thinkers, and serves as an executive committee member of Art Image Society and Art Link club. He is also a member of Hong Kong Artists Association and Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society.
In his youth John used to work on the Royal Navy's warship for five years and thus his life started to be intertwined with the sea. His sincere passion for the sea continuously inspired his creativity, and through the medium of “New Ink”—an experimental new way to apply the traditional Chinese ink art skills and present with the concept of western contemporary art – John has found a proper way to express it. His steady and solid brush interestingly shows a vivid and light character. Recently his self-creating skill「Breaking Force of Light」gains an extensive recognition from the art world and collectors. His works used to be collected by art museum and private art collectors, and selected into the London Art Biennale, Beijing International Art Biennale, and Ink Global 2021. He had several solo exhibitions in Hong Kong and participated in many group exhibitions, e.g., in Hong Kong Central Library, JCCAC, and private art galleries. John published his first art book「The Man and the Sea」in 2021. Besides the unstoppable pursuit of the creative breakthrough, John spends a lot of time for cultural communication about New Ink. He founded HK Studio of Contemporary Art, for helping to bring New Ink to a bigger International art stage.
In addition to the collection of John Wong's works, "The Man and the Sea" album also introduces his own special painting techniques. The album and bag also have John Wong's autograph, which is more valuable for the collection.
Buy album at Joy in Art retail store, you will get a John Wong - The Vast Ink Maniac cotton bag as a gift!
**The discount is only available in retail store, first come first served.
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