Japan brand and design.
- Unlike tapered round nylon bristles, U plus bristles are U channel tapered. This channel feature much improve paint loading for longer brush strokes.
- U channel bristles are originally invented and still used in artificial eye lashes non drooping yet soft to feel.
- Ideal for acrylic , folk art painting.
- These branded brushes are manufactured in Japanese technology.
- There are different # for your choice : #0-18
- 與錐形圓形尼龍刷毛不同,U plus 刷毛是 U 槽錐形刷毛。 此通道功能大大改善了較長尼龍畫筆筆觸在繪畫儲水功能上的缺點。
- 這些品牌刷子採用日本技術製造, U 槽刷毛最初的發明是用在假眼睫毛上,因為它的優質彈性和手感柔軟至今仍被一直使用。
- 是塑膠彩, 甚至水彩畫、民間藝術畫的理想之選。
- 有不同的#供您選擇:#0-18