FIMO® soft 8020, made in Germany
Oven-hardening (110C , 30mins) modelling clay
Product information
- Especially for beginners and hobby artists
- Soft and smooth clay
- Practical division into 8 portions for easy blending
- Compatible with FIMO effect and FIMO professional
- 24 vibrant colours
- Standard block, 57 g (2 oz)
- Easy to open
- Infinitely versatile: For jewellery, accessories and home deco items
- Should not use Microwave hardening or air drying
The right temperature can be precisely monitored using a FIMO oven thermometer. Please make sure that the maximum temperature of 130 degrees is not exceeded.
FIMO是目前被廣泛使用的軟陶材料,最早是由德國人Käthe Kruse在1939年製成的,其女兒Sophie Rehbinder-Kruse在遊戲時使用這種材料,捏造成了各種小玩意,這項無意間的發現,促使軟陶的生產與銷售,品牌名稱依據Sophie Rehbinder-Kruse的小名Fifi和Modelling clay結合取名為FIMO,時至今日,FIMO依舊是一個著名的軟陶品牌.
- 可以造飾物, 可以造擺設, 想要什麼, 都可以造出來.
- 表面光滑柔軟, 易於搓揉. 放入焗爐110C焗30分鐘便可變硬, 視乎大小可加減. 提議以溫度計以控制溫度不要超過130C 20分鐘
- 不建議用微波爐, 或天然風乾.
- 有24色任你選擇. 輕鬆實現不同比例混色
- 硬化後不會變形
- 表面有坑紋, 方便分成小塊