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Schmincke Finest Extra-Soft Artists' Pastels Set

- 400 brilliant and rich colours

- hand-made Finest artists’ pigments in the highest concentration

- Minimum share of binders

- Highest lightfastness


Working with Schmincke’s finest extra-soft pastels leads you back to the origin of colour and is a real painting experience rather than simple drawing. They contain only the purest medium fine ground artists’ pigments, which are in the highest possible concentration. Contrastingly, the binding agent content, is kept to a minimum, which ensures a stable compound. In order
to guarantee the highest quality it is necessary to manufacture Schmincke pastels using special recipes which avoid the use of machinery during manufacture.

“Worm extruders” form the pre-kneaded dough into round skeins, which are then detached by hand and cut in a wire-strung frame. The damp sticks have to dry for around eight days before they can be labelled and packed by hand.

This is a costly and time consuming process, however it is the only way Schmincke can guarantee homogenous quality and smoothness in all the production cycles, in order that the artist can be assured that his favourite colour shade is consistant throughout our range of finest extra-soft artists’ pastel colours.


Find out more from below link:


德國 Schmincke施明克 大師級軟粉彩套裝

- 400 種絢麗而豐富的色彩

- 最高濃度的手工製作頂級的藝術家顏料

- 使用最小量的粘合劑

- 最高的耐光性


使用 Schmincke 最好的超柔和粉彩會讓您回到色彩的本源,這是一種真正的繪畫體驗,而不是簡單的繪畫。它們僅包含最純淨的中等細磨藝術家顏料,濃度最高。相比之下,粘合劑含量保持在最低水平,這確保了化合物的穩定性。


為了保證最高質量,必須使用特殊配方製造 Schmincke 粉彩,避免在製造過程中使用機械。先將預揉好的麵團揉成圓形的線團,然後用手將其分離並在金屬絲框架中切割。濕棒必須晾乾大約八天,然後才能貼上標籤並手工包裝。


這是一個昂貴且耗時的過程,但這是 Schmincke 可以保證所有生產週期的均勻質量和平滑度的唯一方法,以便藝術家可以放心,他最喜歡的色調在我們最好的 extra-柔和的藝術家柔和的色彩。



Schmincke Finest Extra-Soft Artists' Pastels Set 德國 Schmincke施明克 大師級軟粉彩套裝

PriceFrom HK$48.00

Select Pastel Materials 30%off (1-14 March)

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