Sakura Nouvel Carre Artist Pastels Set 日本櫻花牌乾粉彩(和諧粉彩)筆套裝
- Sakura Nouvel Carre Artist Pastels are designed for the student and professional.
- The square shape is versatile for both detailed and sketch work; the corners provide a sharp point while the side of the stick allows broad strokes.
- They are semi hard for minimal "finger-powdering" and the elimination of paper wrapping. Smooth and clean to the touch
- Carre Pastels are water soluble and are lightfast rated.
- The pure pigments produce vivid, brilliant colours.
- lt is an ideal medium for outdoor sketching; there are no messy liquils or burstable tubes.
- CE certified.
- With different color combination sets for your choice.
- 藝術家粉彩專為學生和專業人士設計。
- 方形設計便於不同點,面的使用, 角位提供了一個尖銳的點畫法,而棒的側面可作廣面積的筆觸。
- 它們是半硬的,可減少“手指粉化”。 觸感光滑乾淨
- Carre Pastels 是水溶性的,具有耐光性。
- 純顏料生動、絢麗的色彩。是戶外寫生的理想媒介; 亦是室內畫和諧粉彩畫的好選擇。
- CE認證,安心之選
- 套裝有不同顏色配搭, 以供選擇