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PRIMO, in 1933, the grandfather Camillo created the brand CMP (Camillo Moro Padova) and started the production of those blackboard chalks which are part of PRIMO collective memory and have been used by many children in Italian schools. 

PRIMO cares about Children, Environment and made in Italy.


5 colors Ready-mix acrylic paint for pouring technique set

  • 100 ml each color
  • An ideal assortment of ready-mixed colours for those who want to experience the magic of the pouring technique. You don't need to do anything, just pour, let yourself be carried away by the paint that flows, changes, takes shape!
  • This Acrylic is water-based acrylic paint with high amount of pigments and resin, in bottle with a flow-control cap.
  • It can be easily applied with a brush and once dry colours remain vivid and bright.
  • It adheres to any type of surfaces; stencils, spatulas and sponges are ideal tools to valorize the creative potential of this paint.
  •  Remove safety under cap before use.
  • Made in Italy. Safe for Kid use.


You don't need to do anything, just pour, let yourself be carried away by the paint that flows, changes, takes shape!


  • Pour one colour at a time on the substrate. Gently move it so that colours slide and flow into each other at random. Once you achieve the shapes and streaks you prefer, let the work dry.


  • Pour one color at a time into a glass, without mixing the contents. Pour the content of the glass over the substrate and wait for the colours to emerge and flow. Alternatively, place the substrate on the glass, turn it upside down and lift it up with a more or less rapid movement depending on the content quantity. Gently move the substrate to let the colours flow; once you are satisfied with the result, let it dry. Important: paints continue to move even during drying.
  • It is normal for excess paint to spill out of the substrate, we recommend wearing gloves and an apron and protecting the work surface, as paint is permanent once dry.


Remark :You can add Pouring acrylic Medium to mix with acrylic paints for pouring technique. It optimizes colour spread and creates even layering. ( see our PRIMO product range for this Poruing Acrylic Medium)


Want to know how it works, click below :



1933 年由祖父 Camillo 創建了品牌 CMP(Camillo Moro Padova)並開始生產黑板粉筆,這些黑板粉筆是 PRIMO 榮顯記憶的一部分,它被意大利學校的許多孩子使用。

PRIMO 一直是 關心兒童、環境的品牌. 意大利製造。


PRIMO 塑膠彩, 是水性塑膠彩塗料,含有拉`豐盈的顏料和樹脂,樽蓋帶有流量控制的設計, 它可以很容易地用筆掃上色,顏色乾後就會保持鮮豔明亮。


5 種顏色-即用流體畫顏料套裝

  1. 每種顏色 100 毫升
  2. 對於那些想要體驗流體畫技術的魔力的人來說,這是一套裝必能令你滿意。 你不需要做任何事情,只需傾倒,讓顏料流動、變化、成形的讓你驚喜的圖案!
  3. 優質Acryic 塑膠彩( 丙烯酸塗料)
  4. 它可用在任何類型的表面上;亦可用模板、畫刀和海綿作上色工具以發揮這種塗料的創造潛力。當它完全乾燥時,即使塗抹多層也不會刮傷,並且是永久性的。使用時,應遮蓋衣服和工作檯面。應立即按照提供的說明去除污漬。使用前取下蓋子下的安全裝置。
  5. 乾燥後色彩仍保持鮮豔明亮,
  6. 顏色鮮艷, 可通過混色而調配出不同的新色調。
  7. 環保物料,  適用學校使用.




技術 1- 單色澆注

  • 一次將一種顏色倒在畫面上。輕輕移動它,使顏色隨機滑動並相互流動。一旦你獲得了你喜歡的形狀和條紋,便可放置待它乾燥。

技術 2- 多色澆注

  • 一次將一種顏色倒入玻璃杯中,不要攪拌。將混合液倒在畫面上,讓顏色出現並流動。或者,將杯放在畫面上,將其倒置,然後根據內容量或多或少地快速移動, 可不時輕輕把畫板抬起擺動,讓顏色流動;直到你對結果​​感到滿意,便可讓它乾燥。
  • 多餘的油漆從基材溢出是正常的,我們建議戴上手套和圍裙並保護工作表面,因為油漆一旦乾燥是永久性的。


備註:您可以添加流體畫流動劑與塑膠顏料混合用於澆注技術。它優化了色彩擴散並創造了均勻的層次感。 (請參閱我們的 PRIMO 產品系列,了解這種 Poruing 流體畫流動劑)



PRIMO Ready-mix acrylic paint for pouring technique 5 colors set 塑膠彩

SKU: LT-P-4002P5S
HK$320.00 Regular Price
HK$256.00Sale Price

Primo Acrylic 20%off Discount

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