Pouring acrylic Medium to mix with acrylic paints for pouring technique. It optimizes colour spread and creates even layering.
- Pouring acrylic Medium to be mixed with acrylic paints for pouring technique.
- It optimizes colour spread, creates even layering and releases the air contained.
- Mix it slowly with acrylic paints and wait a few minutes before proceeding to allow the air contained from mixing to come out.
- For each part of acrylic paint add about three parts of medium, depending on the result you want to obtain.
- It is possible to add a bit of water in order to make the paint more fluid.
- Once it dries, colours become extremely smooth and shiny and excellent long lasting results are guaranteed.
- Remove safety under cap before use.
- Made in Italy
Primo流體畫流動劑- 它優化了色彩擴散並創造了均勻的層次感。
- 塑膠顏料 與流體畫流動劑混合用是於澆注技術的介質。
- 它提高色彩擴散,創造了均勻的層次感並釋放了所含的空氣。
- 將其與塑膠顏料緩慢混合併等待幾分鐘,然後再繼續讓混合中的空氣排出。
- 提議為每份塑膠顏料添加大約三份介質, 你亦可根據您想要獲得的結果混合。
- 可以添加一點水以使混合的顏料更流動。
- 一旦乾燥,顏色就會變得非常光滑和有光澤,並保證出色的持久效果。
- 使用前取下蓋子下的安全裝置。
- 意大利製造