LIQUID CHROME™ - the 20 years edition!
The long-awaited, liquid chrome is the unique result of a long-term advancement of the BURNER™ ink. For the best mirror effect on smooth and non-absorbent surfaces.
There's already a big hype about these markers. The highly pigmented special ink creates a real mirror effect, which leads to high enthusiasm in the modelmaking, graffiti, hobby- and D.I.Y. scene.
- alcohol-based, highly pigmented special ink
- high-gloss liquid chrome
- highly opaque
- permanent
- good UV resistance
- limited scratch- and abrasion-proof
- high-gloss liquid chrome
- Filling quantity: 30 ml
- Made in Germany
Click below link for more detail product informtion:
- 酒精性
- 高顏料專用油墨
- 高光澤液體鉻, 色彩持久
- 高覆蓋率
- 良好的抗紫外線性
- 極耐刮擦和耐磨(與傳統產品相比)
- 適用於幾乎所有表面
- 用於室內和室外應用
- 1種顏色:鍍鉻
- 獲得專利的毛細管系統,專利號DE 197 30 454 IPC B43K 8/04
- 通過FLOWMASTER™閥實現均勻的顏色分佈
- 顏料可再補充30ml.
- 德國製造
Molotow Liquid Chrome Marker Refill Ink 30ml (R.E.M.™) Molotow鍍銀筆補充液
Year of Snake 12%off
Metalic Purple, Metalic Green, Metalic Turquoise and Metalic Pink color are also available on Medium-2.5mm size, please call us for delivery date.