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The Magnani paper mills date their origins back to the XV century. The Magnani mill had already started in the 18th century to export their papers all over the world and could count among their customers most of Europe’s reigning families and the state mints of many countries that appreciated the quality of the security papers produced at the mill on cylinder machines the only ones that can guarantee the highest quality standards, among the mill’s customers there was Napoleon Bonaparte that choose the mill to produce a special watermarked paper for the announcement of his wedding with Maria Luisa D’Austria, the original mould is still held at the mill.

The mill was also a supplier of the Crown family of Italy for some specific papers and very important documents and agreements have been signed on our papers.

During the years very important artist such as Picasso, De Chirico, Guttuso, Annigoni, Maccari, Bueno, Guarnieri, Morandi, writers like D’Annunzio, Giusti and many others used to have their own paper produced as a sign of distinction.


  • Magnani papers are 100% made on a traditional cylinder mould machine, one of the most ancient in Europe: a traditional process that produces very high quality papers similar to handmade paper.
  • All papers are watermarked (except for blocks, pads and offset papers): the watermark attests that the paper is genuine and is therefore of high quality. It allows Magnani papers to be identified and dated, but it also helps to discourage counterfeiting.
  • We use the purest cotton fibers , sustainably
  • The color tone still remain vibrant after layering, especial suitable for flowers painting.
  • We are proudly Italian, based in Toscana and love our landscapes!!


Product are categorized by product name :

Italia-cold press

Portofino -hot press

with thickness of : 300 & 640gsm (Note: 640gsm drawing paper 10 sheets per book)

in the shape of : Square, Retangle, Round  
4 sides glued, 1 side glued and round


** Thank you Vansketcher for her lovely Cakes paintings on Magnani Circle paper.


Magnani 造紙廠的起源可以追溯到十五世紀。 Magnani 工廠在 18 世紀就已經開始拓展到世界各地,並且因為它的滾筒式生產保證了最高質量標準的紙張, 深得大多數歐洲的統治家族讚賞。

在工廠的客戶中,有拿破崙· 他選擇了工廠生產一種特殊的水印紙,用於宣布他與瑪麗亞·路易莎·德奧斯特里亞的婚禮宣文。


該工廠還是意大利 皇室的一些特定紙張的供應商,他們在我們的紙張上簽署了非常重要的文件和協議。 多年來,顯赫的藝術家,如畢加索、德基里科、古圖索、安尼戈尼、馬卡里、布埃諾、瓜爾涅裡、莫蘭迪,以及作家,如鄧南遮、朱斯蒂等,以Magnani 紙作為專用紙。


  • Magnani 紙 100% 在傳統的圓筒模具機器上製造,這是歐洲最原老的機器之一:是一種似於手造紙的高質量紙張的傳統工藝。
  • 所有紙張都有水印(塊紙、墊紙和膠版紙除外):水印證明紙張是真實的,因此是高質量的。 它可以識別 Magnani 紙並註明日期,防止偽造。
  • 我們使用最純淨的棉纖維
  • 疊加後色調依然鮮豔,特別適合花卉畫。
  • 意大利製造,總部設在Toscana,美麗的風景區!




Portofino -細紋


厚度為:300 和 640gsm (注意: 640gsm畫紙10張/本)




** 感謝 Vansketcher 在 Magnani 圓形 紙上的可愛蛋糕畫。

Magnani 1404 Professional Watercolour Paper-意大利製造的全綿藝術級水彩紙

PriceFrom HK$88.00

Magnani 30%off Trial Discount


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    Joy in Art , here with you 

    門市 Retail Shop:
    九龍牛頭角勵業街9號 (同利工業大廈) 6 樓 615 室

    Unit 615, 6/f, 9 Lai Yip Street (Tung Lee Building),
    Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    營業時間 Opening Hours:

    Monday ~ Saturday :    10:00am to 6:30pm

    Lunch Hour (off) :            1:30pm to 2:30pm

    Sunday and Public Hoilday: Close

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