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Gel Mediums offer many ways to build texture. We offer five consistencies from our most viscous Extra Heavy Gel to Soft Gel. Each gel is available in Gloss, Semi-Gloss and Matte finishes. They can be used to create glazes, extend paint and change finishes. Gels are essentially colorless paint, as they utilize the same 100% acrylic polymers as acrylic paint. Gels are also excellent adhesives for collage and mixed media, they dry with excellent flexibility with chemical, water and UV resistance.


Product ranges :

  • Soft Gels are thinner than Heavy Body Colors. Mix with color to produce a brilliant glaze. Soft gels can be a base for wet blending anf also as an adhesive for collage (Item # Gloss - 3010, Semi-Gloss - 3017, Matte - 3013)
  • Regular Gels have the same viscosity as Heavy Body Acrylic Colors and are ideal for extending paint and regulating transparency without changing consistency. Useful for impasto. (Item # Gloss - 3020, Semi-Gloss - 3040, Matte - 3030) 
  • Heavy Gels  are thicker than Heavy Body Acrylic Colors and may be blended with colors to increase body. Excellent for holding peaks. (Item # Gloss - 3050, Semi-Gloss - 3070, Matte - 3060)
  • Extra Heavy Gels  have the thickest consistency of any gel we offer and may be blended with colors to increase body. Excellent for holding peaks and tool marks. (Item # Gloss - 3080, Semi-Gloss - 3100, Matte - 3090) 
  • High Solid Gels are similar in body to Heavy Gels. They contain more acrylic solids and shrink slightly less than other gels. They blend well with colors and will retain brush strokes upon drying. Available in gloss and matte.(Item # Gloss - 3120, Matte - 3130)
  • Clear Leveling Gel (formerely called Self-Leveling Clear Gel). Designed to produce an even film with excellent clarity. This gel has similar qualities to the Clear Tar Gel: it has a resinous consistency and offers excellent leveling, yet its viscosity is closer to that of the Soft Gel. This product dries to a flexible, high gloss film, which can increase transparency and sheen while imparting a leveling quality to other GOLDEN Acrylic products. Blends with GOLDEN Acrylic colors to produce glazes without brush-strokes.(Item #  3001)
  • Fine Pumice Gel .Used to create finely textured surfaces. Dries to a hard film. To increase flexibility, mix in other GOLDEN Gels or Mediums. Blends with GOLDEN Acrylic colors. Useful as a ground for pastels.(Item # 3195)
  • Coarse Pumice Gel. Used to create granular textured surfaces. Dries to a hard film. To increase flexibility, mix in other GOLDEN Gels or Mediums. Blends with GOLDEN Acrylic colors. Useful as a ground for pastels.(Item # 3200)
  • Extra Coarse Pumice Gel. Used to create granular textured surfaces. Dries to a hard film. To increase its flexibility, mix in other GOLDEN Gels or Mediums. Blends with GOLDEN Acrylic colors.(Item # 3205)
  • Clear Granular Gel. The same textural quality as its pumice counterpart, without the gray, opaque grit. Excellent for making translucent, textural glazes. The chroma will not be affected. Blends with GOLDEN Acrylics.(Item # 3215)
  • Glass Bead Gel. Made with genuine glass beads, offers a clear, textural gel with a unique reflective quality. It can be used un-tinted for layered. (Item # 3236)
  • Clear Tar Gel is a 100% acrylic polymer dispersion colorless gel with an extremely resinous, syrupy, stringy, and tar-like consistency. It is a unique product with a long rheology; conceivably it could be poured from a three-story building as one long strand!

    Clear Tar Gel can be used to generate fine detailed lines by "dripping" it over painting surfaces. It can be blended with all GOLDEN Acrylic paints, offering a full range of colors with which to work. (Item # 3330)


There are volume options : 236ml, 473 ml, 3780ml.

Golden Gel Mediums-高登啫喱膏

PriceFrom HK$150.00
  • Please call us for price and delivery schedule.

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Unit 615, 6/f, 9 Lai Yip Street (Tung Lee Building),
Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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Monday ~ Saturday :    10:00am to 6:30pm

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