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DANIEL SMITH is an artists' favorite brand all over the world​, from professional artists to the beginning watercolorists because of the beautiful colors, consistent performance and lasting color or lightfastness.

DANIEL SMITH Watercolors are packed with high quality pigments using pure gum arabic as the binder – no fillers.​ For each color, DANIEL SMITH selects the perfect grind to yield particle sizes that maximize the qualities inherent in the pigment, balancing maximum pigment load with minimum vehicle content.


Paul Wang's Colour Play Lab Set ( 10 colors)

“This set is a little laboratory filled with 10 of myfavorite essential colors. They are transparent,granulates beautifully and highly mixable. Use thesecolours on their own or mix them to create colourtension and attraction. Watch these beautiful colourspush, pull and swirl in colourful dances. Thepossibilities and combinations are as infinite as yourimagination. I know these 10 exciting colours willallow you to create a myriad of new mixes that willentice the eyes” ~ Paul

Paul Wang is an urban artist, visual storyteller, art and design educator andknown for living in the moment of his sketch art. His passion for capturing themoment and enjoying the journey while relishing in the surprises andunknowns is contagious. Paul shared that he likes to encourage people to playand have fun with color. He explains his philosophy in two words: Wander &Wonder. When we asked for him to tell us more about what this means in thecreative process, he describes it as a story teller would, “To Wonder is to beamazed with simple things and to Wander is to embrace detours, celebrate unknowns, get unstuck. Just move, meander, take the side street and get anew perspective”.

Colors: Cerulean Blue ( Chromium), Cobalt Blue Violet, French Ultramarine, Hansa Yellow Deep, Indigo, Lunar Black, Perm Alizarin Crimson, Sap Green, Transparent Brown Oxide, Transparent Pyrrol Orange. 


You can check out more from below product link :




DANIEL SMITH水彩顏料使用純阿拉伯膠作為粘合劑以溶合高質量顏料-不加填料。每種顏色,DANIEL SMITH均選擇完美的研磨劑以產生可最大化顏料固有質量的粒徑,從而在最大負載量和最小負載量之間取得平衡車輛內容。

  • 此極細緻水彩系列,具有無與倫比的純度和持久性。 並以雙重的願景作基石:



Stella Canfields 的大師級藝術家套裝 I 和 II

顏色它自我的表現, 比以言語作解釋更有其自身說服力.  STELLA CANFIELD 的 MASTER ARTIST SETS I 和 II,它為初學者和專業人士提供了創作充滿活力的作品的工具,共同時提供了你表達的深度。

Daniel Smith-Paul Wang's Colour Play Lab Set 丹尼爾史密夫-大師级套裝

SKU: 285610403

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    Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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