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DANIEL SMITH is an artists' favorite brand all over the world​, from professional artists to the beginning watercolorists because of the beautiful colors, consistent performance and lasting color or lightfastness.

DANIEL SMITH Watercolors are packed with high quality pigments using pure gum arabic as the binder – no fillers.​ For each color, DANIEL SMITH selects the perfect grind to yield particle sizes that maximize the qualities inherent in the pigment, balancing maximum pigment load with minimum vehicle content.

DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolors-A classic watercolor of unsurpassed purity and permanence. The vision in the formulation of a new line of watercolors was twofold;

* First and foremost, to produce watercolors that are the best in lightfastness and permanence.
* Second, to offer a selection of truly unique colors.”


Primary Set-plastic bag packing
Brush on bright primary colors that multitask as foundations for other hues. An important set for students and new watercolorists, the Primary Color Set lets you customize basic colors. The set also collaborates with the Secondary Color Set to complete an entire colorwheel, multiplying possible shade combinations.


Set includes 15ml tubes of the following colors:

  • Perylene Red – A medium staining and semi-transparent. It creates vivid, dark washes with a clean brilliant orange hue. This sedimentary pigment offers an additional health plus, as it is made from a metal-free red. Clean modern pigments such as this will put accidental mud-making in the past.
  • Hansa Yellow Medium – A high-tinting, semi-transparent organic pigment. Considered the ‘perfect yellow’, Hansa Yellow Medium offers more control when mixing. Painters admire the purity of this primary pigment and adjust its temperature while avoiding a gray from a hidden complement. Think of a yellow pepper.
  • French Ultramarine – This medium-to-dark warm reddish-blue is highly lightfast and of medium tinting strength. Its sedimentary quality increases its versatility. Mixed with various portions of other blues, French Ultramarine is a wonderful sky pigment. Modify it with Quinacridone Gold for delightful greens that remain color-coordinated. Mix French Ultramarine with Quinacridone Burnt Orange and be rewarded with an amazing range of blue to brown grays. Mixed with either Quinacridone Rose or Pink, a range of purples result. For another important mix, see Hooker’s and Sap Green.


Secondary Set-plastic bag packing
A companion to the Primary 3-Color Set, and a beautiful selection on its own, the Secondary Set is remarkably versatile. Added to primary colors, you’ll mix shades with greater tone consistency. Jewel hues complement one another, and also function as the other half of the colorwheel.


Set includes 15ml tubes of the following colors:

  • Quinacridone Burnt Orange – Add to French Ultramarine sky washes to gray the blue mix and render a full value scale. Use Quinacridone Burnt Orange to modify Sap Green in landscapes to achieve rich, mossy greens that coordinate land with sky. Highly durable and extremely transparent, all the Quinacridone colors excel in vivid clarity and intensity.
  • Undersea Green – An artisan’s favorite, this exciting medium to high staining green blends French Ultramarine with Quinacridone Gold. The inorganic, sedimentary French Ultramarine settles and granulates while the organic, transparent Quinacridone Gold floats into a golden halo. Concentrated, this will remind you of warm sea kelp. Apply with Moonglow, Ultramarines and Quinacridone mixtures to color-coordinate and lend atmosphere to various passages. Undersea Green is beautiful touched damp or dry brushed with Interference Gold. Use Undersea green into autumn leaf paintings.
  • Carbazole Violet -This slightly granular blue-violet is an intense, vibrant color with high-staining properties. A brush stroke of concentrated Carbazole Violet onto dry paper moves the pigment from black-violet to clear purple, and can invent an iris petal with each stroke. Add Indigo to Carbazole Violet, along with Quinacridone Rose or Anthraquinoid Red. Blot, squeegee and incise damp passages to created veins, variegated passages and highlights.





DANIEL SMITH水彩顏料使用純阿拉伯膠作為粘合劑以溶合高質量顏料-不加填料。每種顏色,DANIEL SMITH均選擇完美的研磨劑以產生可最大化顏料固有質量的粒徑,從而在最大負載量和最小負載量之間取得平衡車輛內容。

  • 此極細緻水彩系列,具有無與倫比的純度和持久性。 並以雙重的願景作基石:


  • 2個3色套裝便能讓你混出各種色彩.




1) 基礎套裝包括以下顏色(15ml管裝):袋裝

  • Perylene Red紅色–中等染色且半透明。它創造出生動,深色的洗滌效果,並帶有乾淨的明亮橙色調。這種沉澱顏料由無金屬的紅色製成,像這樣的清潔現代顏料使用更環保健康。
  • Hansa Yellow Medium –種高著色力的半透明有機顏料。被視為“完美的黃色”的Hansa Yellow Medium在混合時可提供更好的控制。畫家欣賞這種主要顏料的純度,並調節其溫度,同時避免隱藏的補色產生灰色。它就像黃椒一樣鮮明。
  • 法國群青色–這種中等至深色的溫暖的紅藍色具有很高的耐光性和中等的著色力。其沉積質量提高了其多功能性。法國群青混合其他藍調的各種成分,是一種絕佳的天空免顏料。與Quinacridone Gold混合可調出令人愉悅的綠色協調顏色。將法國群青與Quinacridone Burnt Orange混合,並獲得令人驚訝的藍色至棕灰色範圍。與Quinacridone Rose 或 Pink粉紅混合,可產生一系列的紫色。有關其他重要組合,請參閱胡克(Hooker)和墨綠色(Sap Green)。


2)副助套裝包括以下顏色 (15ml管裝):袋裝

  • Quinacridone Burnt Orange–添加到法國群青使天空色彩, 呈現藍色混合調至灰調各種完整的層次。Quinacridone Burnt Orange調入Sap Green(樹液綠),可以使土地與天空協調的豐富,像長滿苔蘚的綠色。所有顏色均具有極高的耐用性和極高的透明度,帶出顏色生動的清晰度和強度。
  • Undersea Green-海底綠色這是畫家的最愛,這種令人興奮的中高著色綠色, 混入(French Ultramarine)法國群青與Quinacridone Gold混合。無機的法國群青沉澱粒,浸浴在而有機的透明Quinacridone Gold, 讓沉澱粒漂浮在金色的光環中。這會讓您想起溫暖的海水流動的絲帶。若與Moonglow,Ultramarines和Quinacridone混合物一起使用,使顏色並為各種色相增添氣氛。海底綠帶金色很適用於秋天的葉子繪畫中。
  • Carbazole Violet-這種略帶顆粒的藍紫羅蘭色是強烈,充滿活力的顏色,具有較高的染色性能。將濃縮的Carbazole Violet粉刷到乾紙上,筆觸將顏料從黑紫走到透明的紫色,並且可以從筆觸中找到胭紅。將靛藍(Indigo)與Carbazole Violet, 再加入Quinacridone Rose 或Anthraquinoid Red 以創建靜脈,雜色通道和高光。

Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolor "3 Color"-Sets 丹尼爾史密夫極細緻水彩系列3色套裝


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