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DANIEL SMITH is an artists' favorite brand all over the world​, from professional artists to the beginning watercolorists because of the beautiful colors, consistent performance and lasting color or lightfastness.

DANIEL SMITH Watercolors are packed with high quality pigments using pure gum arabic as the binder – no fillers.​ For each color, DANIEL SMITH selects the perfect grind to yield particle sizes that maximize the qualities inherent in the pigment, balancing maximum pigment load with minimum vehicle content.

DANIEL SMITH PrimaTek Watercolors are literally made from the ground up. From prehistoric times to the Renaissance and beyond, artists have relied on pigments mined from the earth, and Daniel Smith is proud to have revived these time honored colors for today’s painters. Identifying high-quality veins of ore and then negotiating procurement from local miners. The large minerals or “massive” as they are called are then processed into pigment to reveal the color within. From this pigment, the Daniel Smith chemist and paint makers blend it with the perfect ratio of medium, grind and re-grind it to bring out the natural beauty of each color. Daniel Smith are able to bring you the best: truly professional quality paints with consistency you’ll rely on tube after tube, year after year.


  • The set gives artists an easy way to experience the excitement of painting with DANIEL SMITH Watercolors
  • Conveniently sized in 5ml tubes to take along for plein air painting, and makes great gift!
  • With the 6 colors in the set, PrimaTek Watercolors mix beautifully with other paints on your palette and bring excitement to the surface of a painting. They are heavier in body and settle into the valleys of your paper leaving behind wonderful granulation and texture.
  • The pigments were carefully selected to give you a wide range of colors and textures you’ll find nowhere else. When mixed with other colors the possibilities are endless.
  • Most artists are surprised that “rocks” can become such brilliant colors in watercolors!


A. The PrimaTeks Set contains 5ml in tubes each:

  • Rhodonite Genuine, 
  • Jadeite Genuine, 
  • Amethyst Genuine, 
  • Mayan Blue Genuine, 
  • Hematite Genuine, 
  • Piemontite Genuine


B. Minerals Mixing Set - 6 Tubes (Primatek) colors in 5ml + 1oz Ground + pastic travel Case + 1 color mixing guide

  • A foundation of Watercolor Ground gives virtually any surface a new texture similar to cold-press watercolor paper. You can achieve the same distinctive, transparent qualities of watercolor on wood, metal, ceramic, plastic, glass, stone, plaster and more.
  • This archival-quality ground can also be used to add texture or cover flaws 


See the demonstration of this set in Youtube :




  • DANIEL SMITH水彩顏料使用純阿拉伯膠作為粘合劑以溶合高質量顏料-不加填料。每種顏色,DANIEL SMITH均選擇完美的研磨劑以產生可最大化顏料固有質量的粒徑,從而在最大負載量和最小負載量之間取得平衡車輛內容。
  • DANIEL SMITH PrimaTek水彩為現今的畫家找回文藝復興乃至更遠的時期,藝術家依賴的從的地球上開采的顏料。確定優質礦脈,然後將大的礦物質加工成顏料,丹尼爾·史密斯(Daniel Smith)的化學家和油漆製造商將這種顏料作精確比例的完美混合,然後一再研磨以展現每種顏色的自然美。讓你愛不釋手。
  • 該套裝5毫升試管中,尺寸適中,可隨身攜帶作畫,或作為精美的禮物!
  • 套裝中有6種顏色,PrimaTek水彩畫與調色板上的其他顏料完美地融合在一起,並為繪畫表面帶來刺激。它們的身體較重,會沉入您的紙張上,留下美妙的顆粒和質感。
  • 精心挑選的顏料可為您提供各種顏色和紋理,是其他顏色不能做到的。當與其他顏色混合時,又驚又喜 大多數藝術家都對“岩石”能夠成為水彩中如此絢麗的色彩感到驚訝!


A. PrimaTeks套件包含以下, 各自是5 毫升的: Rhodonite, 翡翠色,  紫水晶色, 瑪雅藍,, 赤鐵礦,Piemontite.


B. 礦物混合套裝 - 6 管 (Primatek) 顏色,5 毫升 + 1 盎司鈦白色底塗料 + 1 塑料裝盒 + 1 個混色指南

加入鈦白色水彩底塗料,可讓你在不同表面上畫水彩畫。 ​ 水彩底塗料幾乎可以附在任何表面上;木材、金屬、塑料、紙板、書籍等等! 水彩底塗料乾固後 ( 約須24小時), 該表面在可以用水彩畫畫 - 發揮創意的可能性!



Daniel Smith Primatek Watercolor Set 丹尼爾史密夫DS 礦物 6色

SKU: MW-DS285610006
PriceFrom HK$252.00

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