Surprise ! You can feel the astmosphere of Star Wars in this Hot summer. Limited quantity !
Crayola Millennium Falcon Art Case
- Made in USA and Imported
- 75pc specialty set of creative tools, colors specific to Star Wars Classics
- Paper-folding activity: color n' fold Millennium Falcon
- Contains:
20 Classic Super Tips (with black galaxy barrels)
8 Metallic Markers
8 Long Colored Pencils
5 Metallic Short Colored Pencils
8 Metallic Twistable Crayons
15 Paper Sheets with content
10 blank paper sheets
1 Sharpener
驚喜 ! 數量有限, 欲購從速 !
在這炎熱的夏天, 又不能外出, 千色樂 Star Wars系列畫冊顏色筆套裝,有齊你喜歡的人物倍住你過暑假 ! 美國出品的Crayola,迪士尼正貨正版
- 一個方便攜帶的飛碟型硬盒, 有齊你喜歡的星球大戰的 人物倍住你過暑假.
- 仲有多款顏色筆同15張畫紙, 10張空白畫紙, 比你儘情發揮創意.
- 20支顏色Marker 筆, 黑色筆身印有系列字樣, 5支金屬色短身木顏色, 8長身木顏色, 8支金屬色Marker 筆, 8支金屬色可旋轉蠟筆
- 筆刎