Blockx, colour as a passion since 1865. Founded in 1865 in Belgium by Jacques Blockx I, the BLOCKX brand is today recognised by artists worldwide for the quality of its oil colours.
Why Choos BLOCKX Artist Acrylics?
At BLOCKX, passion for artistic creation has been our driving force for generations. Building on our heritage and unrivalled expertise in color manufacturing, we are pleased to introduce our latest innovation: a range of exceptional BLOCKX Artist acrylics that will take your art to new heights.
- Almost 200 years of professional pigment manufacturing experience, quality recognized by artists around the world.
- 120ml available in 90 amazing color options
- Incomparable depth, intensity and opacity
- Creamy Satiny Texture
- Easy to mix
- Satin surface after dry
- Lightfast pigments
- Fast drying time
- Designed with pure acrylic resin, which prevents any yellowing effect over the years.
- Provide artist-level quality at an affordable price
- Suitable for beginners or experienced artists
A high concentration of pigments
Our acrylics are the result of a meticulous selection of highly concentrated, full-coverage pigments, giving each color depth, intensity and incomparable opacity & coverage.
Each tube is bursting with pure pigments and binders that reveal strikingly rich nuances.
A heritage of quality
At BLOCKX, we believe in excellence and are committed to preserving the beauty of your creations over time. That’s why our acrylics are designed with pure acrylic resin, which prevents any yellowing effect over the years. What’s more, our pigments are lightfast, guaranteeing optimum conservation of your works over generations.
Inspiring versatility
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, our BLOCKX fine acrylic is your ideal partner for exploring and expressing your creativity. Its fast drying time means you can start layering right away, while its creamy, satiny texture offers fluid rendering and voluptuous miscibility. You can use it on any artistic support, from the traditional to the innovative, and let your imagination run wild with 90 shades of BLOCKX Artist acrylic.
See the Colors:
BLOCKX - 自 1865 年以來一直對色彩充滿熱情。BLOCKX 品牌由 Jacques Blockx I 於 1865 年在比利時創立,如今因其油畫顏料的品質受全球藝術家認可。
為何選擇使用 BLOCKX 藝術家塑膠彩?
對藝術創作的熱情一直是我們幾代人的動力。憑藉我們在色彩製造方面的傳統和無與倫比的專業知識,我們很高興推出我們的最新創新:一系列卓越的 BLOCKX藝術家塑膠彩,將把您的藝術提升到新的高度。
- 近160年專業顏料製造經驗,品質受全球藝術家認可
- 120毫升提供90款令人著迷的色彩選擇
- 無與倫比的深度、強度和不透明度
- 奶油絲滑質地
- 容易混合
- 乾後呈絲光
- 耐光顏料
- 乾燥時間快
- 純丙烯酸樹脂製作,可防止隨時間出現泛黃現象。
- 以相宜價格,提供藝術家級的質素
- 適合初學者或經驗豐富的藝術家
在 BLOCKX,我們相信卓越,並致力於隨著時間的推移保持您的創作之美。這就是為什麼我們的藝術家塑膠彩採用純丙烯酸樹脂設計,可防止多年來出現任何泛黃現象。此外,我們的顏料具有耐光性,可確保您的作品得到最佳保存。
無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的藝術家,我們的 BLOCKX 精細塑膠彩都是您探索和表達創造力的理想夥伴。其乾燥時間快,意味著您可以立即開始分層,而其柔滑絲滑的質地則提供流暢的渲染和性感的混溶性。您可以在任何藝術上使用它,從傳統到創新,並利用 90 種色調的 BLOCKX 藝術家塑膠彩讓您的想像盡情發揮。
BLOCKX Artist Acrylics 120ml Tube (90 Colours) BLOCKX 藝術家塑膠彩120亳升單支裝 (90色)
30%off [ 試用價 Trial Offer! ]
Other volume options with longer lead time, please contact us for price and delivery time.