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Joy in Art Outting Project 藝術外展服務


Joy in Art為你提供

  1. 多玩化, 豐富的, 不同媒體的課程( 詳情可看我們的" 繪畫及藝術課程"版面)

  2. 有豐富教學經的本地專業藝術家作為導師教授,他們曾為不同團體、學校、機構合作外展教授藝術課程,具有豐富的藝術背景和教學經驗

  3. 配合機構須要而設計的外展教學課程,提供專業的藝術體驗和貼合學員須要的學習機會。

Joy in Art offers :

  1. Rich variety courses in different media (see our " Art Courses" page for details)

  2. Our tutors are local professional artists with good teaching experience in related areas. They have taught art courses in different associations, schools, and institutions with solid art background and teaching experience.

  3. Our outreach teaching courses can tailor-designed to meet the needs of the organization to provide professional art experience and learning opportunities to target participants.

Joy in Art 提供藝術外展服務,歡迎聯絡我們查詢/ Welcome to contact us :


​電話/ phone : 2780 3880 

關於Joy in Art About Us:


 "Joy"是歡欣, 是快樂, 是恩典 ! 

 讓藝術作為橋樑, 將歡欣; 快樂; 恩典與世界分享 !

 Joy in Art 不僅僅是您的美術;工藝材料店,更重要的是增添您“喜樂”。 我們承諾是您的

• 專業美術材料供應商,水彩畫材料的總匯, 不斷為您找到優質的美藝材料品牌供應

• 畫的數位印製商

• 多元化的美術課程平台

• 美術發展平台。



• 與香港和世界藝術團體保持聯繫;

• 得到市場上的藝術活動信息


 讓我們為您帶來驚喜,讓您的所想能儘情透過藝術表達出來, 為您的生活增添光彩。


我們希望透過藝術, 讓更多人感受到藝術的美善. 我們會以的免費咖啡提供給學員, 學員可以隨心捐款給本地慈善機構.

Joy in Art is not just your choice of colour and craft materials, what is more, your "Joy".  We promise to be your

  • Professional Art Material supplier, Watercolor material supplier, 

  • Archive Printing supplier

  • Art related courses; and

  • continue to grow with you. 

Our online shop and physical shop provide you a channel to

  • be in touch with HK and the world's Art groups;

  • get Art event information; and

  • we keep bringing you good quality Art Material brands.  


You can count on us for the unexpected and add sparkles to your life by expressing in your Art.

We, together with you, to share our Joy with the world through Art !You can donate to HK Charity entities though our Free Coffee in our Joy In Art Gallery  ! 

Joy in Art , here with you 

牛頭角門市 Retail Shop:
Unit 615, 6/f, Tung Lee Building, 9 Lai Yip Street,
Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

營業時間 Opening Hours:

Monday ~ Friday :    10:00am to 6:30pm

Lunch Hour (off) :    1:30pm to 2:30pm

Saturday :                   2:30pm to 6:30pm

Sunday :                      2:30pm to 6:30pm

Public Hoilday: Close

© Copyright

2019 by Millionways Marketing Co. Ltd, Hong Kong, email:

查詢熱線 Contact Us:
2780 3880

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