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從小就喜歡藝術和手工藝的Vanessa是一名執業建築師,她的建築背景使她感受空間及細節特別敏銳。自2014年接觸城市速寫Urban Sketching以來,她便無時無刻把畫具帶在身旁。她追隨這份畫畫的熱誠,不斷地促使她在日常生活中為她的手繪筆記找尋值得記錄的事物。 


Vanessa 經常於她的FB/IG專頁Vansketcher裡分享她的作品,把她所繪畫的香港及食物分享給身處外地的朋友欣賞。



Urban Sketch

Vanessa has found immense pleasure in arts and crafts since she was young. She is a practising architect and her background in architecture has instilled in her an appreciation for details and sense of space. Since discovering Urban Sketching in 2014, she has never left home without her sketching tools. She relentlessly follows her passion and continues to discover interesting and obscure aspects around her daily life for her sketching journals.  

Being born and grew up in Hong Kong, Vanessa is used to the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong, but its ever-changing environment has inspired her to slow down and savour the beauty of her hometown. She will sketch her meals, the local eateries, the busy cluttered streets, the specialty stores and those vanishing old buildings that she passes by in her daily life. She likes to find unique character in her subjects and record them with expressive ink lines and vibrant arrays of watercolours. Her artworks are her personal journals and an ode to the old-world and cosmopolitan charm of Hong Kong.   

Vanessa often shares her works on her FB/IG page - Vansketcher, and shares her paintings of Hong Kong and food with friends who live abroad.

Watercolor Journal


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Joy in Art , here with you 

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九龍牛頭角勵業街9號 (同利工業大廈) 6 樓 615 室

Unit 615, 6/f, 9 Lai Yip Street (Tung Lee Building),
Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

營業時間 Opening Hours:

Monday ~ Saturday :    10:00am to 6:30pm

Lunch Hour (off) :            1:30pm to 2:30pm

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