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Joy in Art Gallery
Ongoing Events 現正舉辦的活動
展覽介紹 About the exhibition:
烽煙後疫霾下,畫者Bon Chiu自2021年開始以#香港地塗 #HKunderdrawing 為主題,繪下了一系列Plein Air Paintings,志為彷如天天最後今天的香港記下一些小風景小心情。並在Joy in Art支持下籌辦了共3個季度的《隨意風畫藝工作坊》。
是次《隨意風畫藝工作坊師生聯展》,一為誠摯分享Bon Chiu這年多來的畫路歷程;更為借機展示一下同學們趣味盈溢的視藝小實驗;最重要的,其實是想借這一個小小里程碑,紀下我們這群臭味相投的異人,一起在畫紙上肆意取樂的有趣時光。
In 2021, after a period of intense restlessness, and still over-casted by a lingering pandemic, Bon Chiu the artist started a plein air painting series #HKunderdrawing. The wish was to do some heart-felt recording of scenes in Hong Kong around various corners, as if there’s no tomorrow for their physical forms and spirits. Under the support of Joy in Art, his < Spontaneous Sketching Workshop > organised 3 series of painting classes.
Like the flicker of a candlelight, weak but assuring, hazy but clean, the Studio draws together a group of free-spirted painters. Unbound by the boundaries of traditions, a group of like-passion cling together in exploring each of our “new me” through painting.
Through this joint exhibition, we’d like to share with you Bon’s journey in painting, as well as some fun-abundant visual experiments from his students. Most importantly, this exhibition, though a small milestone, is a big step in journalizing the precious time and immerse fun this group of weirdos shared through painting.
展覽資訊 Exhibition Information:
開幕日Opening: 2023年3月12日 16:00
展覽日期 Date: 2023年3月13日 - 4月15日
展覽開放時段 Exhibition Hours:
星期一至五 Mon - Fri : 10:30-13:30 / 14:30-18:30
星期六日Sat - Sun : 14:30 - 18:30
展覽地點 Venue: Joy in Art Gallery
九龍牛頭角, 勵業街9號, 同利工業大廈, 六樓615室
Room 615, 6/f, Tung Lee Building,
9 Lai Yip Street, Ngau Tau Kok

Bon Chiu Sketch book 線上看
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