[灣仔餓底速寫聯展] : 31/07(Sat) to 5 /08(Friday) 2021
這個群組源自兩位灣仔區工作的速寫愛好者, 他們希望於每星期繁忙的工作中抽空放鬆一下, 於是相約每周三午飯時間快閃地速寫灣仔其中一些角落.
短短數月由{小貓兩隻}, 變成十多個有速寫經驗的業餘畫家及午飯途經決定加入的新鮮人組成這{餓底速寫團}, 名乎其實餓住肚子也要畫 !
他們風雨不改, 日曬雨淋地把灣仔不同的角落記錄在畫筆下, 這個展覽正要展出這班抵著餓也要畫畫的熱血餓底畫家筆下千姿百態的灣仔.
[Wan Chai Hungry-Base Sketch Group Exhibition]31/07(Sat) to 5 /08(Friday) 2021
This group comes from two sketch lovers who work in Wan Chai. They hope to take time to relax during their lunch time every week away from their hustle and busy work, so they meet to sketch the corners of Wan Chai at lunchtime every Wednesday.
In just a few months, from {Two kittens}, became more than a dozen amateur painters with sketching experience and new comers who decided to join in lunch time. This {Hungry-Base Sketch Group}, it is actually "Hungry Sketch Group"!
They insist this sketching gathering even there is wind and rain, and they recorded different corners of Wan Chai through their brushes. This exhibition shows the various styles of Wan Chai by the hot-blood and hungry painters who paint even they are hungry.