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陳澤雷 Max Chan 


他涉獵多個藝文範疇,曾任亞洲電影大獎兼任研究員,並曾為雅虎香港網站定期發表流行音樂評論文章。在2011及2013年,獲SIGGRAPH Asia(亞洲電腦圖像和互動技術會議及展覽)邀請,獲委任為Art Gallery數字藝術廊評審及籌委會成員。陳氏曾辦個人展覽,參與多個聯展,創作亦奪得多個國際性藝術獎項,其中包括LICC英國倫敦國際創意大賽、IPA美國國際攝影獎、PX3法國國際攝影比賽、MIFA俄羅斯莫斯科國際攝影比賽等多個國際性獎項中得獎,作品獲私人收藏。  


Photographic and Printmaking Art 


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Born and grew up in Hong Kong, Max Chan owns a multidisciplinary background and holds a Diploma in Design, a Bachelor's Degree in Cinema & Television, a Certificate in Liberal Studies (Performing Arts), and a MA in Cultural Management. 


Chan gains extensive working experience in the creative industry. Started his career as assistant producer, creative writer and senior web editor, he works as arts manager of organising arts & cultural projects recently. With years of board experience across different spheres, Chan was invited to be the Art Gallery Committee & Juror Member for SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 and 2013. It is the largest event in media and digital art in Asia. 


He is also an award-winning artist who held solo and joint exhibitions, and received prizes in the London International Creative Competition (LICC), International Photography Awards (IPA), Prix de la Photographie Paris (PX3), Moscow International Foto Awards (MIFA), just to name a few. His artworks are owned by private collectors. 


From sketch, printmaking to photographic art, this exhibition shows Chan’s interest in various art forms, and how multidisciplinary background influences the context and representation of his art. 

Award-winning Artwork

Joy in Art , here with you 

門市 Retail Shop:
九龍牛頭角勵業街9號 (同利工業大廈) 6 樓 615 室

Unit 615, 6/f, 9 Lai Yip Street (Tung Lee Building),
Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

營業時間 Opening Hours:

Monday ~ Friday :    10:00am to 6:30pm

Lunch Hour (off) :    1:30pm to 2:30pm

Saturday :                   2:30pm to 6:30pm

Sunday :                      2:30pm to 6:30pm

Public Hoilday: Close

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