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Chiayee Lam

Chiayee Lam PWS-SGG, NEWS

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Chiayee is the International Brand Ambassador of "NEVSKAYA PALITRA" (St. Petersburg).


She is a signature member of Pennsylvania Watercolor Society (PWS) and North East Watercolor Society (NEWS) in USA. 

She has exhibited her work in USA, Italy, China, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia, Kosovo, Albania, UAE, Hong Kong, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Nepal, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Malaysia since 1996.

She has won '2nd Place Award' in PWS 39th Annual International Juried Exhibition in USA and receiving the “PWS - SGG Award” from Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, “Top 3 Award “ in International ART FLASHMOB, Russia “ The World I Love” watercolor competition, “North East Watercolor Society Award of Excellence V' in NEWS 41th Annual Exhibition in New York, 'Honorable Mention Award' in China Lushan International Watercolor Festival, “Honorable Mention Award “ in 1st Annual Women in Watercolor International Juried Competition 2020, 'Honorable Artist Award' in IWS Kosovo International Festival, Kosovo.

Chiayee was invited as an International Watercolor Demonstration Artist in Italy Fabriano, Urbino, Kosovo, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. Her work has been selected in '2017-2018 Lushan International Watercolor Festival World's Best Works Travel Exhibition'. Mexico Watercolor National Museum, China Longyan Art Museum, Italy Fabriano Watercolor Museum and Vietnam Hanoi Museum has collected her works permanently.

Her works and article have been featured in USA "The Best of Watercolor", the special issue: Winners of Splash 22 Art Competition.

Chiayee Lam 是聖彼得堡頂尖顏料公司 NEVSKAYA PALITRA 的國際品牌大使。她同時是美國賓州水彩協會 (PWS) 和美國東北水彩協會(NEWS)的暑名會員。

自 1996 年以來,她在美國、義大利、中國、瑞士、捷克共和國、希臘、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、科索沃、阿爾巴尼亞、阿聯酋、香港、印度、越南、泰國、尼泊爾、印尼、巴基斯坦、孟加拉和馬來西亞進行作品展覽。

她曾在美國 PWS 第 39 屆年度國際水彩評選展中榮獲第二名,並榮獲來自賓州水彩協會的最高榮譽 PWS-SGG 獎!在俄羅斯「ART FLASHMOB - 我所愛的世界」水彩大賽中獲得 Top 3 獎,在美國東北水彩協會(NEWS)第 41 屆年度展覽中榮獲卓越獎 V,在中國廬山國際水彩節上獲得榮譽提名獎,以及在第一屆國際水彩女性藝術家評選中榮獲榮譽提名獎,在科索沃國際水彩節榮獲榮譽藝術家獎。

Chiayee 曾受邀在義大利法布里亞諾、烏爾比諾、科索沃、越南、泰國和馬來西亞擔任國際水彩示範藝術家。她的作品被選入「2017-2018 廬山國際水彩節世界最佳作品巡迴展」。她的作品永久收藏於墨西哥水彩國家博物館、中國龍岩藝術博物館、義大利法布里亞諾水彩博物館和越南河內博物館。

她的作品和專訪曾發表在美國水彩雜誌《The Best of Watercolor》中,也是《Splash 22水彩大賽》的優勝者。

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九龍牛頭角勵業街9號 (同利工業大廈) 6 樓 615 室

Unit 615, 6/f, 9 Lai Yip Street (Tung Lee Building),
Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

營業時間 Opening Hours:

Monday ~ Saturday :    10:00am to 6:30pm

Lunch Hour (off) :            1:30pm to 2:30pm

Sunday and Public Hoilday: Close

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