Welcome rewards, Start from 12 Nov 2023 new members will get 500 points!
$1 = 1 Point
會員於Joy In Art 網上購物,賺取積分,購物越多,折扣愈多。
Joy in Art member, purchase online and get points,
the more you buy the more you get!
成為會員 Sign Up
Sign up as a member, EARN 500 POINTS and start enjoying the membership rewards. 加入成為會員,賺取500 Points,開始享受會員積分優惠。
賺取積分 Earn Points
Order a plan
Get 1 point for every HK$1 spent
Purchase a product
Get 1 point for every HK$1 spent
Sign up to the site
Get 500 points
兌換優惠 Redeem Discount offer
All Products 10%off Discount(valid until 31/12/25)
800 Points = 10% off for all store products
All Products 5%off Discount (valid until 31/12/25)
500 Points = 5% off for all store products

方法 How to do:
查看會員Profile > My Rewards.
Check you Member Profile > My Rewards.
Terms of Use of Promo Codes
1. $1 = 1 Point 會員於Joy In Art 網上購物,賺取積分,購物越多,折扣愈多。
Joy in Art member, purchase online and get points, the more you buy the more you get!
2. 會員可用積分兌換優惠碼,優惠碼只適用於網上購物。
Members can use points to redeem online Promo Code, and Promo Code is only valid for online purchase.
3. 每組優惠碼只可使用一次。
Each Promo Code can only be used once.
4.每次網上購物交易只可使用一個優惠碼。優惠碼必需於付款時使用,恕不接受後補。Only one Promo Code can be used per online transaction. The Discount Code must be used at the time of check out and will not be accepted afterwards.
5. Joy in Art 會不定期的針對不同的產品發放不同的折扣券,會員可透過訂閱 Joy in Art 電郵獲取最新優惠資訊,不要錯過我們提供的超級折扣!
Joy in Art will issue from time to time, different promo code for different products, Members can get the latest discount offers by subscribing to Joy in Art emails and don't miss our super discount offer!
6. 使用 "優惠碼" 後,消費滿以下指定金額,更可享額外折扣優惠! (系統會自動計算最終付款額)
消費滿$500, 額外享95折
消費滿$1500, 額外享9折優惠!
Use "Promo Code" and purchase over below designated amount can enjoy additional discounts!(The system will automatically calculate the final payment amount)
Purchase over $500, Extra 5%off discount.
Purchase over $1500, Extra 10%off discount + VIP member for 1 year
Joy in Art reserve all rights in case of any dispute.
How to Earn Points?
Online purchase Art materials,
$1 = 1 Point
How to check points?
查看會員Profile > My Rewards.
Check you Member Profile > My Rewards.
如有任何問題,可電郵至info@joyinart.cc 查詢
If you have any questions, please email to info@joyinart.cc
Will Points Expire?
Points are valid for one year.
How to redeem?
查看會員Profile > My Rewards, 選擇想兌換的網上購物優惠碼。
Check you Member Profile > My Rewards. Redeem Online Shopping Discount Code.
完成訂單後何時收到積分?When will I receive points after completing an order?
完成訂單後會收到Email 確認通知。
After completing the order, you will receive an email confirmation.
Forgot Promo Code?
查看會員Profile > My Rewards, 網頁會保留你的兌換紀錄。
Check you Member Profile > My Rewards. System will keep your redemption record.