《第一屆 Joy in Art 水彩畫家聯展》以香港人、情、魅為主題。我們希望藉着這次聯展及一連串圍繞水彩畫的活動,
讓大家發掘香港的可愛之處,從而感受到這裡的人情和魅力。 細味每幅作品,你不難找到的是描繪鄰里間的人情、
6月10 日的開幕及頒獎典禮, 已完滿完成, 感謝大家喜愛藝術的都走在一起,互相欣賞互相支持。
The "Joy in Art Watercolor Exhibition", themed around the people, bonds, and charm of Hong Kong,
showcases a series of watercolour that portray the warmth between neighbours, the struggle for ideals,
and the intersection in urban life. Each painting adds taste and flavours to Hong Kong,
reflecting the city's diversity and integration of cultures.
Opening and Awards Ceremony on June 10 was successfully completed.
Thank you to everyone who loves art for coming together, appreciating and supporting each other.
This exhibition is only possible with everyone's support with you , this exhibition is still going on! 💕
Please come our online gallery and album - People, Bonds and Charm of Hong Kong
to enjoy the beautiful arkworks of the selected candidates and other participants
邀請作品 Invited Artworks
(排名不分先後, names not listed in order)
入選作品 Selected Artworks
(排名不分先後, names not listed in order)
參加作品 Participants artwork
Only included works that have agreed to be displayed in the online art exhibitionnames not listed in order)
媒體報道 Media:
[ 五個畫家有話講 ] - Cathay Riviera
很高興邀請到5位參展的畫家同我哋分享下佢地對香港同作為本地藝術家的心聲。更多謝Cathay Riviera 團隊為Joy in Art 這個香港人,情,魅水彩展覽的支持同推廣,支持大家為推動香港的藝術不斷的努力。
香港水彩畫家聯展• Watercolour Artists’ Exhibits of Hong Kong - Cathay Riviera
藝術家畫筆下的香江百態與情感 「香港人情魅」水彩畫展覽導賞 《灼見文化》(2023-06-25)
再次感謝開幕及頒獎典禮上的主禮嘉賓,及 Loupe 贊助延展展覽場地。
香港藝術發展局藝術教育主席 : 陳雪儀博士
Daniel Smith Senior Marketing Coordinator Ms Ethel Pajao
海津水彩毛筆創辦人 /香港國際水彩畫會會長: 尤偉海先生
周大福 Loupe 項目總監 Ms Fanny Yu
Thank you our guests of honor participated our Opening and Awards Ceremony, and Loupe sponsor exhibition venue:
Chairman, Arts Education Group of The Hong Kong Arts Development Council: Dr. Suet Chan
Daniel Smith Senior Marketing Coordinator: Ms Ethel Pajao
Chiarman of Baoding Baohong Group: Mr. Si Li Ming
Founder of Ocean-I / President of Hong Kong International Watercolor Society: Mr. You Weihai
Chow Tai Fook Loupe Project Director Ms Fanny Yu