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Joy in Art Watercolor events in June completed with a lot of Joy and festive moment!

The success of the events relies on the strong support of many parties. 

First of all, We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the gift to all the activities of the event, providing sharing sessions and product trials to participants so that we can explore more on professional art materials.


Then, we would like to extend our special thanks to all Volunteers helpers, Guests, Judges and invited artists for their active participation which enlightened our exhibition and bring great encouragement and honour to all the enrolled participants.

Special thanks to 8 well-known Urban sketchers as guests, and the coordination from 3 Hong Kong sketch groups in assisting the 23 June Sketchcrawl @ Hong Kong Park.  More than one hundred of participants sketching together in a hot summer day, captured the beauty and charm of Hong Kong with their sketching skills and imaginations.


Last but not least, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who enrolled the event, no matter you have been selected for exhibition or not, no matter you have join the Sketchcrawl or color tasting, your participations encouraged us to continue organizing the event.  Let's gather our effort and build a better Watercolor community in Hong Kong and nurture our potential to showcase to the world in the future.


Your support is our biggest motivation. Joy in Art will continue to bring various art activities to you!

Wish you all Joy in Art.

Joy in Art 6月的藝術盛事及一連串精彩的文化活動已經順利完成啦!


而在這次《第二屆 Joy in Art 水彩畫暨畫家聯展》中,特別感謝以下各位主禮嘉賓、評審以及邀請藝術家的𦲷臨和支持,您們在繁忙的工作和生活中,撥冗出席並積極參與,為我們的展覽增添不少光彩,更為參賽者帶來了莫大的鼓舞和榮譽。

而在6月23日,Joy in Art 更與三個香港本地城市速寫的團體聯辦大型速寫活動 - 23/6 SKETCH CRAWL @ Hong Kong Park,以及很榮幸邀請到8位知名 Urbansketcher 擔任嘉賓。他們與百多位熱愛速寫的參與者一同在香港公園捕捉香港美景和魅力,成就今次獨特的城市速寫活動,一起推廣城市速寫藝術。


您們的支持是我們最大的動力,Joy in Art 將繼續努力為大家帶來更精彩的藝術活動!讓這水彩活動成為大家喜愛的水彩藝術盛會。

​有關媒體 Media

生活·味道 Taste of Life - Hong Kong in watercolour by Cathay Riviera

螢幕擷取畫面 2024-07-06 201110.png

Charles Ng 吳秋全教授 (序言作者 Preface Author)
Desmond Hui 許焯權教授 (序言作者 Preface Author)
Jundu Liang 梁君度先生  (題字 Chinese Calligraphy)
Shen Ping 沈平老師 (序言作者 Preface Author)
Snow Chan 陳雪儀博士 (序言作者 Preface Author)
Stephen Yau 游榮光老師 (序言作者 Preface Author)

展者名單 Artist List:

JIA_Exhibition_Tent_Card_240525_v2_工作區域 1.png

邀請作品 Invited Artworks
(排名不分先後, names not listed in order)


Open Group Artworks 

(排名不分先後, names not listed in order)


Student Group Artworks 

(排名不分先後, names not listed in order)

Open Group Selected Artworks 

(排名不分先後, names not listed in order)



“Taste of Life”on Sale now

《生活味道》以生活為主題。輯錄過百幅於”第二屆Joy in Art水彩畫暨畫家聯展”中展出的水彩畫作品,當中包括37位本地及海外藝術家作品,其餘亦包括多位香港活躍城市速寫畫家及水彩愛好者作品。 大家運用水彩繪畫出一幅一幅令人看得津津樂道的畫作,讓大家發掘香港的不同味道。現在,將各種生活的味道同家人、朋友分享啦!

"Taste of Life" showcase a series of watercolour artworks exhibited in "Joy in Art Watercolour Open Exhibition 2024", including 37 watercolour artists from Hong Kong and Oversea. It also include the works of many active urban sketch painters and watercolor lovers in Hong Kong. Each painting adds reflecting taste of life of Hong Kong. Share the flavors of life with your family and friends!


Joy in Art , here with you 

門市 Retail Shop:
九龍牛頭角勵業街9號 (同利工業大廈) 6 樓 615 室

Unit 615, 6/f, 9 Lai Yip Street (Tung Lee Building),
Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

營業時間 Opening Hours:

Monday ~ Saturday :    10:00am to 6:30pm

Lunch Hour (off) :            1:30pm to 2:30pm

Sunday and Public Hoilday: Close

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